Selling B>Garena LoL Acc Buying a Lvl 30 LoL account....

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/11/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    B>Garena LoL Acc Buying a Lvl 30 LoL account. Please put down what your account have and offer it. Thanks ! WTS: Euw account, lvl30 4 sale. Info inside! -3 gold frames from season 2. -19 rune pages. -Almost all runes of the shop (mp if u want to know all of em) -Almost all champs but syndra, vi, hecarim and xerath. -72 skins, 4 legendary (pulsefire ezreal, battlecast prime chogath, red baron corki, nunu bot) and skins like championship riven or rocket girl tristana. MP if u want to know the entier list of skins. -541 rp and 2xxx pi. price: 200€ - - - Updated - - - sorry there is 74, not 72 skins. anyways i paste here the list of em. bloodmoon akali unchained allistar pharaoh amumu (legacy) bird of prey anivia reverse annie amethyst ashe boom boom blitzcrank vandal brand officer caitlyn nightmare chogath (legacy) battlecast prime chogath (LEGENDARY) red baron corki (LEGENDARY) lord darius toxic Dr. mundo (legacy) Sr. Mundoverse (legacy) masquerade evelyn (legacy) nottingham ezreal (legacy) pulsefire ezreal (LEGENDARY) fisherman fizz minuteman gangplank special forces gangplank hillbilly gragas pitower customs heimerdinger snowmerdinger (christmas limited) frost queen janna victorious janna angler jax (legacy) sun goddes karma pentakill karthus deep one kassadin silver kayle judgment kayle karate kennen deep sea kog'maw muay thai lee sin defender leona vizier malzahar (legacy) totemic maokai assassin master yi samurai yi galactic nasus (legacy) leopard nidalee (legacy) void nocturne nunu bot (LEGENDARY) pentakill olaf sewn chaos oriana noxus poppy (legacy) bloodfury renekton championship riven (limited) tribal ryze sabretusk sejuani royal shaco frozen shen (legacy) hextech sion (legacy) warrior princess sivir arcade sona dryad soraka bilgewater swain recon teemo super teemo riot girl tristana rocket girl tristana (limited) lil' slugger trundle highland tryndamere sultan tryndamere musketeer twisted fate black belt udyr leprechaun veigar marquis vladimir...
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