Selling Ashes of Creation Kickstarter Leader of Men account package.

Discussion in 'Ashes of Creation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Chanchan, 9/8/19.

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  1. Chanchan

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    Hello! It's my first time ever trying to sell an account so hopefully I don't mess up. I'd like to sell my Ashes of Creation account that is linked to a Kickstarter Leader of Men package which I paid 1000$.

    Due to some changes I will not have the time to play when the game comes out so I am simply trying to get back what I paid.

    I am not sure how the 'middleman' service work but if you're able to help me with it then we can use that. I am open to suggestions.

    I can be reached on discord if you'd like to chat. Chanelle#2783

    Thank you for your time.


    I don't know if it's just my account but it looks like I've gotten twice the goodies? A mistake on their part maybe.
    #1 Chanchan, 9/8/19
    Last edited: 9/8/19
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