Selling Any SR to Plat for $20 only!! $30 for Diamond!!

Discussion in 'Overwatch Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by palette95, 1/1/18.

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  1. palette95

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    About Us

    Hello. We are Team Bastion!

    We are NEW Boosting team with Top 500 and GMs!

    Since we are launching our service, we came up with a really good price!

    Price List

    RATING SOLO/per 50 SR DUO/per 50 SR
    0 ~ 1500 $1 ------------------------- $2.5

    1500 ~ 2000 $1.5 ------------------- $3

    2000 ~ 2500 $2 ---------------------- $4

    2500 ~ 3000 $3 ---------------------- $6

    3000 ~ 3500 $5 ---------------------- $8

    3500 ~ 3750 $10 ---------------------- X

    3750 ~ 4000 $15 ---------------------- X

    We have various more options such as Coaching, Anti-Decay, and Placements!


    Any SR to Plat = $20

    Any SR to Diamond = $30

    Terms of service

    Leveling/Boosting is 100% done by hands

    We NEVER use hacks or 3rd party program

    Every member of our group is located in USA

    If the account gets banned during service, we will give you a full refund

    Contact Us For More Information!

    Discord: Mita#5566

    Skype: jiyoolee96
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