Selling ALL champions (up to aatrox) Summoner Icons:...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    ALL champions (up to aatrox) Summoner Icons: Halloween haunted tree, 2 ghost things from halloween, winter badge, winter urf, all lunar revel ones and lissandra tribe one. Skins: Limited/Rare: Riot singed, haunted maokai + various other skins that cant be bought from the store, like nottenham ezreal. Ultimate: Pulsefire Ezreal Legendary: Brolaf, eternum nocturne, battlecast prime cho, demonblade trynd, corporate mundo. Other skins: Bloodstone lissandra, headhunter nidalee, warring kingdoms xin/jarvan, dragonwing corki, steel legon lux and garen, masked shaco, koi nami, shockblade zed, deathblossom elise, special forces gangplank, mecha khazix, muay thai lee sin, headhunter rengar, glacial malphite, augmented singed, Fullmetal jayce, foxfire ahri, scorched earth xerath, soul reaver draven, dark flame shyvana, sad robot amumu, tyyrant swain, frostblade irelia, glaive warrior pantheon, fisherman fizz, battlecast urgot, nighraven fiora, bladecraft orianna, heartseeker vayne, jade dragon wukong, artic ops kennen, asylum shaco, temple jax, ironscale shyvana, surprise party fiddlesticks, cryocore brand, redeemed riven, demolisher nunu, earth rune skarner, volcanic wukong, full metal pantheon, buccaneer tristana, undertaker yorick, frostfire annie, rumble in the jungle, cotton tail teemo, urfrider corki, gragas esq, commando jarvan, high command katarina, charred maokai, primal udyr, piltover customs heimerdinger, prestigous leblanc, gangster twitch, tango twistedfate, frosted ezreal, blastzone heimerdinger, armor of the fifth age taric, grim reaper karthus Runes: (all tier 3) 20 rune pages marks: AP Magic pen AD Armor pen attack speed crit chance hybrid pen seals: health per level armor glyphs: ap cooldown scaling ap scaling magic regen quints: movespeed armor attack speed crit gold per 10 lifesteal magic pen lifesteal + 500 rp and 10,000 ip (might change)
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