Selling   Average Account 47 lvl, Nicholas, Rhazin+Sacred shard+5k energy

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by SeuAir, 8/24/19.

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  1. SeuAir

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    The Life turns me out of my favorite game now. I would like to sell out my middle game 47lvl account with lucky obtained champions.

    5k energy +1 Sacred Shard

    Sir Niholas (void),Rhazin Scarhide(power).
    Both 6 stars, fully leveled, ascended, 6 lvl masteries activated.

    Nice bonus: top epic champions:
    Alure(fully skilled), Zargala, Gorgorab, Dark Athel, Fenax(first skill forbids reviving), Nazana(1st skill - attack all enemies) and another 10 non-double epics

    Arena from Gold I to Gold IV, depends of your
    activity. If you do at least something - there will be Gold III, haha.

    Dragon's Lair = 14 lvl autoplay
    Ice Golem's Peak =15 lvl autoplay (Rhazin doing solo autoplay)

    P.S. Rhazin was not fused, he was summoned. It means in Fusion there is another one (1/4 epics for fusion already found)

    Screens,additional info available on Discord: BigWave#1916

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    95$ Paypall
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