2003 toon +9.94 standings with Caldarin Navy +9.12 standings with Caldari State can place high sec pos lvl4 caldari navy mission agents at +10 standings 6 r&d agents sec status of +5.01 4 jump clones implants in main clone are Mining ForemanMindlink, full set of standard +4, and a zanou beancounter h50 1 remap available Some Highlights: awesome tengu skills rips through lvl 4 missions 13 mil sp in missiles logistics 5 marauders 5 fighters 5 and fighter bombers 4 caldari carrier 4+ caldari dread 3 industrial command ships 5 (orca) capital industrial ships 4 (rorqual) perfect mining booster can fly black ops can fly gallente jump frieghters jump drive calibration 5 can use triage on carriers can use capital shield booster and capital shield transfers Titan Ready!