Selling 8/30-9/2: Pax Prime League of Legends booth skin...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    8/30-9/2: Pax Prime League of Legends booth skin (Washington State Convention Center) I'm looking for anyone who is going to Pax Prime to go to the league of legends booth and grab (a) free code(s) for in game skins. Once the person has gotten the skin(s) I would like them to take a photo of the code(s) and send them to me. If you can grab more skins the better (different skins, not a bunch of the same skins please) Hoping this can be done for cheap, but name your price. I'm willing to pay more if you get more skins (I'm gonna be clear now, know I'm not willing to pay premium prices for these skins, This is for people who are already going and want to help someone out / make a little of their money back from buying the tickets) If anyone can help me out that would be great. Thank you for your consideration
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