Selling  High End +50k acc worth/12k AP/8 Chars/all mounts/366 MP

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by odasraid, 5/21/21.

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  1. odasraid

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    My Location:
    -50 gold worth
    -366 mastery point-PvP lvl:82 WvW lvl:150
    *Power Soulbeast , Druid , Condi Soulbeast , Power BannverSlave , Condi Firebrand , Power Dragonhunter , Alac Renegade , Power Chrono , Condi Scourge , Staff Daredevil (for PvE all ascended sets)
    *Marauder stats Scourge for WvW
    *Heavy Legendary Chest and Leggings + Medium Legendary Shoulder,Chest and Leggings
    *Ad Infinitum + The Ascension
    *Kudzu, Incinirator , Twilight , Sunrise , The Bifrost , Astralaria , Chuka and Champawat , Flames of War
    Cosmetic auras : Winter's Presence , ghostly infu , snow diamond infu , moto's red bauble infu , 2x purple poly-luminescent infu , red poly-luminiscent infu , jormag's left eye infu ,celestial red infu , celestial abyssal infu , peerless infu ,(started otter's blessing achi)
    -Mistlock Sanctury Passkey
    -Infinite Fractal mist potion
    -All mounts (except warclaw all mounts have skins)
    -500 Leatherwork,500 Weaponsmith,500 Huntsman,400 Cooking,425 Armorsmith,415 Artificer,400 Jeweler (on ranger)
    -more than 330 LI+LD , 9k UFE(so you can join %90 of the groups fractals or raids)
    -4 Bank Tab , up to 500 material storage , full bag tab on ranger
    -Ranger with %100 map , Guardian %100 map and Necro %100 map
    -8 Character slot
    i can make # i have to sell it quickly..
    I'll give the mail connected to account and all the other informations
    *for more information and API key contact me via mail adress: [email protected]
    or steam my profile link :

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