Selling    24200 Genshin Impact Genesis Crystals TOP Up, FAST delivery

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Crystals for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Mainkorren, 12/29/20.

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  1. Mainkorren

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    ⚔️ Mainkorren
    Service for the sale of in-game items.​
    Our goal is to satisfy clients to save them time, nerves and money.

    ⌛⏰ Delivery time is usually about 1-10 minute (Mostly Instant), after we got Your order .⏰⌛

    ✔️ How is the trading process ?
    ⭐ You place an order and include the following details:
    password:(Please use a temp password for topup)

    Double check your info before sending to us. We will login your account to topup, please be patient of waiting for some time. We will info you when done.

    ⭐ Please don't forget to confirm delivery after I give you the items
    ❤️ Leaving a like on my profile is voluntary (but I really appreciate it)
    ✅ If you are eg player: To unlock trade between players, you must buy at least 500 credits in the eg store (rocket pass also counts)

    ✔️ I can find any item. If you interested in other items and I don't put those for sell, then just write me and we will discuss.

    ✔️ When I'm offline, you also can place an order, I'm available to delivery every day and it will be done immediately when I come back.

    To place an order add me on Discord: Mainkorren#5001
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