US WTS Lv90 WHM RDM THF, All fully geared, Ready to play!!

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Lv90: WHM RDM THF
    Rank: Sandy 10
    Race: Elvaan Male, Shaggy Grey Hair.
    Server Transfer: AVAILABLE

    RoZ: The Sealed Shrine (Suppa)
    CoP: When Angels Fall (Two Fights From Ring)
    ToAU: Passing Glory
    WoG: In the Name of the Father
    ACP: Fin.
    AMKE: Bought, no progress.
    ASA: Bought, no progress.

    This account is great for anyone looking to get into abyssea either THF or Healer main, has a few +2 Pieces for THF and WHM. RDM has some +1 and a lot of the JSE items. The WHM, RDM, and THF are all fully geared and ready to be played as displayed in the pictures below. This account has a TON of extras for jobs that are not yet leveled and would make a great come-back character for anyone looking for a not-so-expensive account to build off of.

    All jobs at 90 are fully merited.
    TONS of Atmas, almost all available in abyssea.
    Shinryu Access, 3 Atmas, and Disern done!
    TONS OF +1 Seals and +2 Items sitting in mog!

    Some notable items:
    Orison Bliaud +2
    Orison Pantaloons +2
    Serpentine Hands & Feet
    Orison Cape
    Orison Locket
    Orison Earring
    Loq. Earring
    Orison Cap +1
    Glyph Axe
    Vali's Bow
    B.Q Ring
    Augur's Jaseran
    Charmer's Merlin
    Pan's Horn
    Ravager's Orb
    Velox Harness
    Eradico Mitts
    Ace's Sabatons
    Doren Schuhs
    Ferine Necklace
    Aoidos Matinee
    Iga Douchugappa
    Lancer's Pelerine
    Twilight Cape
    Twilight Torque
    Twilight Knife
    Vougier's Contus
    Brisk Mask
    Varangian Helm
    Heca Cap
    Heca Feet
    Heca Hands
    Snow Belt
    Breeze Belt
    Pixie Earring
    Triplus Dagger
    Raider's Boomrang
    Raid. Bonnet +1
    Estq. Chappel +1
    Raider's Vest +2
    Raider's Armlets +1
    Raider's Culottes +2
    Raid. Poulaines +2
    Twilight Belt
    Trotter Boots
    Light Belt
    Atheling Mantle
    Estoquer's Cape
    Brutal Earring
    Gifted Earring

    Looking for a BUYOUT of only $400.00 for this account, this is a great price for a account with a lot done in abyssea and ready to play! Looking to sell soon, WU will be ONLY payment method I will accept, and if you wish to use MM that is fine, but cost is on you. Thanks for looking!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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