Looking to sell my FFXI character some basics are 8.4mill on hand striped 80MNK 40WAR 40NIN CoP: O

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    looking to sell my galka main Ninja has alot of high end gear al jobs are vey well geared and most are +2 thf has all TH but +2 relic hands blu has all spells and good gear fully skilled up and not gimped in any jobs has nearly every atma in game is currently on sylph server has around 5m in sellables on it also cmes with a 2nd account both have full twilight gear inc helm mail 2nd acc is a crafting mule has whm 99 well geared cooking 100+7 all others 60 looking for very quick sale as i have to pay some bills is NA account i have all info on account ready
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