Selling Jual char (Via bits luce 2,3T ) lvl Tamer 33...

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ndot Ferdianto, 4/21/12.

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  1. Ndot Ferdianto

    Ndot Ferdianto
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    Jual char (Via bits luce 2,3T ) lvl Tamer 33 digi: gaomon lvl 41 (lupa jarang di mainin) elecmon lvl 41 open ulti 120% 5/5 at 6 ct lupa bl lupa exveemon lvl 31 open ulti 3/5 at ct (lupa jarang di mainin) patamon lvl 36 open mega 3/5 at ct (lupa jarang di mainin) dobermon lvl 12 open champ 3/5 belum di tambahin ada barang unik di bag dan storage .. bag baru kebuka satu baris .. kalo masih belu percaya bisa tanya ke Gaze Larc .. ini buat SS nya gan
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    Ndot Ferdianto

    Ndot Ferdianto
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    sorry SOLD
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    Rediscovering Atlantis

    Rediscovering Atlantis
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    Bahkan sold sebelum thread ini di post XD
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    emang klo ID yg masih pas pasan lvnya bnyk yg minat, besok gw mw bikin ah
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