Selling WTS: EU-West lvl 3WTB: League of legends acc! Hey...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/5/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: EU-West lvl 3WTB: League of legends acc! Hey yeah! I want to buy a LoL account. I'm quite new to LoL, and I want an account that meets the following requirements: 1. Have a lot of champs. THIS IS THE MAIN THING I AM LOOKING FOR. 2. Have a decent amount of IP and RP. 3. Have at least a few runes. 4. Have skins (I don't really give about skins) AGAIN! I WANT A LOT OF CHAMPS, IP AND RP, AND A FEW RUNES! I just want a full experience with all sorts of roles. Add me on : aleksei.akim I accept both EUW and NA accounts. It does not concern me. LoL 30 level west 9 runepages 79 champions HELLO.I sell lvl30 euw account with 79 champions and 17 skins,9 runepages,6 ranked wins,14 ranked defeats,357 normal wins,not many runes. ahri akali (stinger akali,nurse akali) amumu anivia annie ashe blitzcrank brand caitlyn cassiopeia(mythic cassiopeia) chogath corki dr.mundo draven evelyn ezreal fiddlesticks(fiddle me timbers) galio gangplank(spooky gangplank) garen graves(hired gun graves) heimerdinger irelia(frostblade irelia) janna jarvan iv jax karma karthus kassadin katarina(high command katarina) kayle(judgment kayle) kennen kog maw(monarch kogmaw) le blanc lee sin lux malzahar master yi miss fortune morderkaiser morgana nasus nidalee nocturne(void nocturne,ravager nocturne) nunu olaf oriana pantheon poppy riven rumble ryze shaco(assylum shaco) shen shyvana singed sion sivir soraka swain(bligewater swain) taric teemo tristana(buccaneer tristana) trundle tryndamere(highland tryndamere) twisted fate twitch udyr varus vayne veigar vladimir volibear warwick xerath xin zhao yorick ziggs zyra WTS: 30 level eune 56 champions 11 skins and runes tell me your . WTS: Selling Eu West 1650 Elo Account ; Top Elo 1867 ( Never ReFunded Champions ) Championid : Alistar , Amumu , Anivia , Ashe , Blitzgrank , Corki , Mundo , Eve , Gp , garen , Graves , Janna , Heimerdinger , Jax , Karma , Kata , Kayle , Kog , Lux , Malph , Master Yi , Morde , Nidalee , Nunu , Olaf , Poppy , Rammus ,...
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