Selling WTS my LvL-ing and refferal service Since i got...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/8/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS my LvL-ing and refferal service Since i got bored from soloque and i got some time at hands, i am offering my service as a refferal bot or a smurf leveling machine, for more details and payment method add me on : danijel_ze92, I am open to price suggestions. Offer is 10 lvl refferal accounts on your refferal link. WTS: Selling Gold Beta account, Victorious Jarv/Janna 18 unobtainable skins 600$ Hello there, money is getting scarce and I would be willing to sell my account to anyone that can offer 600$ or more. The account has 15 rune pages, I also own the tier 1 to 4 Halloween Icons, the Season 2 Icon as well as the Gold Cup season 1 AND 2 Icons (Solo Queue). (This includes the banner of course, while loading in game your character's splash art's border is golden.) Very low amount of RP on the account but 9900 IP to add that champion you want to your roster. The account includes 18 unavailable skins , this means YOU CAN'T GET THEM ANYMORE ; including Victorious Jarvan IV ,Victorious Janna, Red Baron Corki AND King Rammus. Here's a list of all the champions / skins : Ahri Akali (Crimson) Alistar (Unchained) Amumu (Almost-Prom King) Anivia (Noxus Hunter) Annie Ashe Blitzcrank (Goalkeeper) Caitlyn (Resistance) Cho'Gath (Nightmare) Corki (Red Baron) Darius Dr. Mundo Draven Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks (Bandito) Fiora Gangplank (Sailor) Garen (Desert Trooper) Gragas (Scuba) Graves (Mafia) Hecarim (Reaper) Heimerdinger (Blast Zone) Irelia Janna (Victorious) Jarvan IV (Commando, Victorious) Jax Jayce Karthus (Grim Reaper) Kassadin Kayle (Judgement) Kennen Kog'Maw (Sonoran) Leblanc Lee Sin (Traditional, Acolyte) Leona (Valkyrie, Defender) Malphite Malzahar (Shadow Prince) Maokai (Totemic) Master Yi (Ionia) Miss Fortune (Secret Agent) Mordekaiser (Pentakill) Morgana Nasus (Galactic) Nidalee (Pharaoh) Nocturne (Void) Nunu (Sasquatch) Olaf (Glacial) Orianna (Sewn Chaos) Poppy (Battle Regalia) Rammus (King, Freljord) Renekton (Galactic, Bloodfury) Rengar Riven...
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