Selling WTS: lv30 Low ELO NA LoL account champs+skins...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/8/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: lv30 Low ELO NA LoL account champs+skins Selling my original and first LoL account 80$ USD start price (#) 4 Rune pages stocked with set for AD, Jungle, AP, and Support Champions Champion and Skin list: Ahri - Alistar (Golden) - Amumu (Emumu) - Anivia (Hextech) - Ashe - Cho'Gath - Corki - Darius - Draven - Evelynn (Shadow) - Fizz (Atlantean) - Galio (Gatekeeper) - Gangplank (Musketeer and Ghost) - Garen - Gragas (Gragas Esq.) - Hecarim - Kassadin - Kayle (Judgement) - Lulu (Wicked) - Malphite (Obsidian and Glacial) - Malzahar (Overlord) - Maokai (Totemic) - Mordekaiser (Lord) - Morgana - Nocturne (Void) - Nunu - Poppy - Renekton (Rune War) - Riven (Redeemed) - Rumble - Ryze (Dark Crystal) - Shen (Blood Moon) - Sivir - Soraka - Talon (Dragonblade) - Taric (Bloodstone) - Teemo (Panda) - Tristana (Riot Girl) - Twisted Fate (Jack of Hearts and Tango) - Udyr (Primal) - Veigar - Vladimir (Blood Lord) - Warwick (Tundra Hunter and Hyena) - Xerath (all skins) - Yorick - Ziggs - Zilean Any questions can be answered via : jokulo_of_senjin or PM. Looking to sell my level 30 account with most champions and skins Looking to sell my level 30 account for about 60$ if not a little less depending on how much you want. Since it's the end of the season the elo is pretty untouched. I think I was about 1100, but I didn't really care all too much about ranked. I have roughly all the champions except for like 9. I have 9 red, blue and yellow flat ad runs, 9 yellow, blue and red flat ap runs, 9 yellow armor runs, 9 magic resist runes. I have 3 rune pages. I have like (30+) skins not sure how many so i'm just roughly estimating how much I have. WTT: a dota 2 key for a lvl 22 lol acc with the legacy nghtmare cho want to trade a dota key for a lvl 22 acc with the legacy nightmare cho if you want add me on sotirisa11 WTB: NA Lvl 30 League Account - With lots of skins Looking to buy a league account with lots of champs and skins. Nutcracker Shaco and Bewitched Nidalee...
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