Selling Godly NA Account 100 skins & Diamond Border Hello,...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/15/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Godly NA Account 100 skins & Diamond Border Hello, I would like to sell this account on League feel free to offer, it's been mine for a while from S1 all the way up to S3 and currently has a diamond border symbolizing me reaching diamond ELO in S2. I am looking for legitimate offers, either you go first or we arrange for a OMM, PM with offers, leave your name (Currently it's at 1.5k ELO) I'm willing to screenshare on as proof I own the account List of Skins (A bunch of legacy skins also): Frostfire Annie Glacial Olaf Brolaf Commando Galio Tango Twisted Fate Commando Xin Zhao Prestigious LeBlanc Count Vladimir Surprise Party Fiddlesticks Judgment Kayle Ionia Master Yi Unchained Alistar Professor Ryze Lumberjack Sion Spectacular Sivir Divine Soraka Tundra Hunter Warwick Riot Girl Tristana Mafia Miss Fortune Sasquatch Nunu King Tryndamere Sherwood Forest Ashe Vandal Jax PAX Jax Riot Squad Singed Groovy Zilean Masquerade Evelynn Gentleman Cho'Gath Phantom Karthus Bird of Prey Anivia Royal Shaco Workshop Shaco Almost-Prom King Amumu Pharaoh Amumu Pre-Void Kassadin Frostblade Irelia Nightblade Irelia Toxic Dr. Mundo Urfrider Corki Victorious Janna Minuteman Gangplank Bloodstone Taric Leprechaun Veigar Sheriff Caitlyn Bilgewater Swain Northern Front Swain Lil' Slugger Trundle Mercenary Katarina Marble Malphite Shamrock Malphite Glacial Malphite Definitely Not Blitzcrank Victorious Jarvan IV Commando Jarvan IV Outback Renekton Festive Mai Haunting Nocturne Frozen Terror Nocturne Void Nocturne Vandal Brand Volcanic Wukong Sewn Chaos Orianna Rumble in the Jungle Siren Cassiopeia Acolyte Lee Sin Traditional Lee Sin Vindicator Vayne Leopard Nidalee French Maid Nidalee Primal Udyr Scarlet Hammer Poppy Blacksmith Poppy Gragas, Esq. Earthrune Skarner Galactic Nasus Swamp Master Kennen Nurse Akali Commando Garen Frosted Ezreal Myrmidon Pantheon Pentakill Yorick Dragon Knight Mordekaiser Redeemed Riven Championship Riven Valkyrie Leona Renegade Talon Shadow Prince...
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