Selling Hello! I would Like to sell my League of Legends...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tasos Koumoundouros, 6/17/13.

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  1. Tasos Koumoundouros

    Tasos Koumoundouros
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    Hello! I would Like to sell my League of Legends Account Since i dont have time to play :( So here are pictures and the skins Server is EUNE :) I will add pictures in the comment. Skins: -Ghost Bride Morgana -Ice Drake Shyvana -BloodStone Lissandra -Special Weapon Zac -Gladiator Draven -HeadHunter Nidalee -iBlitzcrank -Phoenix Quinn -Debonair Jayce -DragonWing Corki -Warring KingDoms Xin-Zhao -Warring KingDoms Jarvan IV -Deep Terror Thresh -Aether Wing Kayle -Neon Strike Vi -Steel Legion Lux -Koi Nami -Masked Shaco -Eternum Nocturne -Archilight Varus -ShockBlade Zed -Dragon Trainer LuLu -Death Blossom Elise -Rocket Gilr Tristana -Mecha Kha Zix -Justicar Syndra -AstroNautilus -Arcade Sona -HeadHunter Rengar -Dark Valkyrie Diana -WildFire Zyra -Augmented Signed -Panda Teemo -Full Metal Jayce -Foxfire Ahri -Pulsfire Ezreal -Lord Darius -Rune Wars Renecton - FrostBlade Irelia -Reaper Hecarim -Battle Bunny Riven -Mafia Graves -Wicked LuLu -Royal Guard Fiora -Dark Crystal Ryze -HeartSeeker Vayne -HeadHunter Master Yi -Sandstorm Katarina -Superb Villain Veigar -Blood Lord Vladimir -Temple Jax -Mafia Miss Fortune -IronScale Shyvana -Surprise Party FiddleSticks -Infiltrator Irelia -Officer CaitLyn -RuneBorn Xerath - Deep Sea Kog'Maw -Redeemed Riven -Dragon Slayer Vayne -Artic Warfare Caitlyn -General Wukong -FrostFire Annie -Cottontail Te emo -BattleBorn Kayle -Unfrider Corki -Leprechaun Veigar -High Command Katarina -Resistance Caitlyn -Junkyard Trundle -Monarch Kog'Maw -Aviator Irelia -Prestigious LeBlanc -Astronaut Te emo -Frosted Ezreal -Pentakill Sona -Uncle Ryze -Shadow Prince Malzahar -King Trydamere -BilgeWater Katarina -White Mage Veigar -Mercenary Katarina -HillBilly Gragas -French Maid Nidalee -Sherwood Forest Ashe ADD ME if u are interested or Messege me. WARNING: I Wont give the account before the Money. Thanks.
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