Selling Selling Lol EUW Account. 93 Champions, 63 skins,...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sacha Laffely, 7/2/13.

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  1. Sacha Laffely

    Sacha Laffely
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    Selling Lol EUW Account. 93 Champions, 63 skins, silver, +1500 normal games, 16 runes pages. Price to negotiate. Paypal. MP me Some information: Akali : Crimson Akali, Nurse Akali, Blood Moon Akali. Amumu : Pharaoh Amumu. Anivia : Hextech Anivia. Annie : Goth Annie Ashe : Freljord Ashe, Woad Ashe Blitzcrank : Definitely Not Blitzcrank. Caitlyn : Sheriff Caitlyn, Artic Warfare. Corki : Red Baron Corki, Urfrider Corki. Diana : Dark Valkyrie Diana. Draven : Soul Reaver Draven. Ezreal : Frosted Ezreal, Pulsfire Ezreal (Legendary). Fiddle : Surprise Party Fiddle. Gangplank : Toy Soldier Gangplank. Graves : Jailbreak Graves, Mafia Graves, Riot Graves. Hecarim : Headless Hecarim. Heimerdinger : Snowmerdinger. Irelia : Nightblade Irelia, Infiltrator Irelia. Janna : Victorious Janna. Jax : Temple Jax. Kassadin : Harbinger Kassadin. Katarina : Mercenary Katarina. Kayle : Judgement Kayle. Kog Maw : Monarch Kog'Mow. LeBlanc : Mistletoe LeBlanc. Lee Sin : Acolyte Lee Sin. Leona : Defender Leona. Malphite : Glacial Malphite. Maokai : Festive Maokai, Haunted Maokai. Miss Fortune : Cowgirl Miss Fortune. Morgana : Exiled Morgana. Nidalee : Bewitching Nidalee. Nocturne : Haunting Nocturne. Orianna : Bladecraft Orianna. Renekton : Galactic Renekton. Riven : Redeemed Riven, Championship Riven. Sivir : Bandit Sivir. Sona : Arcade Sona. Teemo : Super Teemo. Tristana : Buccaneer Tristana, Firefighter Tristana. Twisted Fate : Tango Twisted Fate. Vayne : Aristocrat Vayne, Dragonslayer Vayne, Heartseeker Vayne. Vi : Neon Strike Vi Ziggs : Mad Scientist Ziggs, Major Ziggs. Not Owned Champion : Aatrox, Elise, Fiora, Karma, Kha'Zhix, Lissandra, Malzahar, Nami, Quinn, Rumble, ejuani, Syndra, Talon, Tresh, Trundle, Viktor, Volibear, Xin Zhao, Zac, Zyra. 16 Runes Pages. Runes: Red: 9x 1.3 Arm Pen 9x 0.95 Phys Damage. 9x 1,7% AS 9x 0.87 Magic Pen. Yellow: 9x 1,4 Armor 9x 0.76% AS 9x 1,9 AP at lvl 18 9x 19 Health at lvl 18 9x 1,2 Mana Regen/5 at lvl 18 Blue: 9x 1,2 Ability Power 9x 0.64% AS 9x 1.3 Magic Resist 9x 3.1 AP at lvl 18 9x 0.73 Phys Dmg at lvl 18 9x 2,7 Magic Resist at lvl 18 9x 0.99 Mana Regen/5 at lvl 18 Qints: 3x 5 Ability Power 3x 2.6 Arm Pen 3x 2.3 Phys Dmg 3x 1 Gold/10 3x 1.5% Move Speed
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  2. OP

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    pm me
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