Selling im selling account on EUWEST .. 30 LVL .. 81...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Henro Seitz, 8/24/13.

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  1. Henro Seitz

    Henro Seitz
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    im selling account on EUWEST .. 30 LVL .. 81 champs and 44 skins .. bronze div. II CHAMPS: 1. Ahri - Dynasty Ahri 2. Akali 3. Alistar - Unchained Alistar 4. Amumu 5. Anivia 6. Annie - Reverse Annie 7. Ashe - Woad Ashe 8. Blitzcrank - iBlitzcrank 9. Caitlyn - Officer Caitlyn 10. Cassiopea - Mythic Cassiopea 11. ChoGath - Loch Ness ChoGath 12. Corki - Hot Rod Corki 13. Darius 14. Diana 15. Dr. Mundo 16. Draven 17. Elise - Death Blossom Elise 18. Evelynn 19. Ezreal 20. Fiddlestick 21. Fizz - Tundra Fizz 22. Garen 23. Gragas 24. Graves 25. Hecarim - Blood Knight Hecarim 26. Janna 27. Jarvan IV 28. Jax - Vandal Jax 29. Jayce - Debonair Jayce 30. Karma 31. Kassadin 32. Katarina - High Command Katarina 33. Kayle 34. Kennen - Karate Kennen 35. Kha Zix - Mecha Kha Zix 36. Kog Maw - Monarch Kog Maw 37. Lee Sin - Dragon fist Lee Sin 38. Leona - Valkyrie Leona 39. Lulu 40. Lux 41. Malphite - Marble Malphite 42. Master Yi - Headhunter Master Yi 43. Miss Fortune - Mafia Miss Fortune 44. Mordekaiser 45. Morgana - Ghost Bride Morgana 46. Nami - Koi Nami 47. Nasus - Riot K-9 48. Nidalee - Headhunter Nidale 49. Nunu 50. Pantheon - Full Metal Pantheon 51. Poppy 52. Quinn 53. Rammus - Full Metal Rammus 54. Rumble - Rumble In The Jungle 55. Ryze 56. Shaco 57. Shen 58. Shyvana - Ice Drake Shyvana 59. Singed 60. Sion 61. Sivir - Bandit Sivir 62. Sona - Arcade Sona 63. Soraka - Dryad Soraka 64. Swain 65. Syndra - Justicar Syndra 66. Taric 67. Teemo - Badger Teemo , Recon Teemo and Astronaut Teemo 68. Thresh 69. Tristana 70. Twisted Fate - Tango Twisted Fate 71. Twitch 72. Udyr 73. Urgot - BattleCast Urgot 74. Varus - Arclight Varus 75. Vayne - Heartseeker Vayne 76. Veigar - White Mage Veigar 77. Volibear 78. Warwick 79. Wukong 80. Zac 81. Ziggs - Pool Party Ziggs if u wanna buy it add me or just text MSG (paypal) .. ty
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