Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    GOLD III, ALL CHAMPS, MANY RARE SKINS, SNOWMERDINGER, RIOT SINGED ETC I'm selling this account because I need money for a new PC before BF4 releases, I have played this game for like 3years and I have alot of rare skins!:) Message me for ANY questions! Rank: Gold III IP: 33000 Burning through the pocket waiting for Lucian to release. Runepages: 20 Runes: I would say that I have almost every rune in the game and if you feel that any rune is missing you can just buy it, because as I said, I have really much IP just lying there! Champions: All Normal wins: 1700 Skins: I have 88 skins and many of them are Limited/Unavaible in store/Rare, take a look!:) Summoner Icons: I have some pretty rare Icons too!:) Aatrox Ahri Akali - Nurse Akali(975RP) Alistar - Golden Alistar(390),Unchained Alistar(LIMITED/RARE) Amumu - Almost-Prom King Amumu(520RP), Sad Robot Amumu(1350RP) Anivia - Bird of Prey Anivia(520RP) Annie - Goth Annie(LIMITED/RARE) Ashe - Queen Ashe(975RP) Blitzcrank Brand - Zombie Brand(1950RP/LIMITED/RARE) Caitlyn - Safari Caitlyn(LIMITED/RARE) Cassiopeia - Desperada Cassiopeia(520RP) Cho'Gath - Gentleman Cho'Gath(1820RP) Corki - Urfrider Corki(975RP) Darius Diana - Dark Valkyrie Diana(975RP) Dr. Mundo Draven Elise Evelynn - Shadow Evelynn(520RP) Ezreal - Explorer Ezreal(750RP) Fiddlesticks - Surprise Party Fiddlesticks(975RP) Fiora Fizz - Fisherman Fizz(975RP), Tundra Fizz(750RP) Galio Gangplank - Sailor Gangplank(LIMITED/RARE) Garen Gragas - Vandal Gragas(975RP) Graves - Jailbreak Graves(975RP) Hecarim - Blood Knight Hecarim(LIMITED/RARE) Heimerdinger - Snowmerdinger(LIMITED/RARE) Irelia - Nightblade Irelia(520RP) Janna - Victorious Janna(LIMITED/RARE) Jarvan IV - Darkforge Jarvan IV(975RP) Jax - Temple Jax(750RP) Jayce Karma - Traditional Karma(LIMITED/RARE) Karthus - Grim Reaper Karthus(975RP) Kassadin - Pre-Void Kassadin(520RP) Katarina - Sandstorm Katarina(975RP) Kayle - Judgement Kayle(LIMITED/RARE) Kennen - Karate Kennen(520RP) Kha'Zix Kog'Maw - Caterpillar Kog'Maw(LIMITED/RARE) LeBlanc - Wicked LeBlanc(750RP) Lee Sin - Traditional Lee Sin(520RP) Leona Lissandra Lulu Lux - Commando Lux(520RP) Malphite - Glacial Malphite(1350RP) Malzahar - Vizier Malzahar(LIMITED/RARE) Maokai - Haunted Maokai(LIMITED/RARE) Master Yi - Assassin Master Yi(390RP) Miss Fortune - Waterloo Miss Fortune(520RP) Mordekaiser - Lord Mordekaiser(975RP) Morgana - Sinful Succulence Morgana(975RP) Nami Nasus - Galactic Nasus(520RP) Nautilus Nidalee - Bewitching Nidalee(LIMITED/RARE) Nocturne - Eternum Nocturne(1820RP) Nunu - Grungy Nunu(750RP) Olaf - Brolaf(1820RP) Orianna - Bladecraft Orianna(975RP) Pantheon - Full Metal Pantheon(975RP) Poppy - Scarlet Hammer Poppy(975RP) Quinn Rammus Renekton - Bloodfury Renekton(975RP) Rengar Riven - Championship Riven(LIMITED/RARE) Rumble - Rumble in the Jungle(975RP) Ryze - Tribal Ryze(520RP), Pirate Ryze(LIMITED/RARE) Sejuani - Traditional Sejuani(LIMITED/RARE) Shaco - Mad Hatter Shaco(520RP) Shen - Blood Moon Shen(750RP) Shyvana - Darkflame Shyvana(975RP) Singed - Riot Squad Singed(LIMITED/RARE) Sion Sivir Skarner - Sandscourge Skarner(975RP) Sona Soraka - Dryad Soraka(520RP) Swain - Bilgewater Swain(520RP) Syndra Talon Taric - Emerald Taric(LIMITED/RARE) Teemo - Super Teemo(975RP) Thresh Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana(LIMITED/RARE), Firefighter Tristana(1820RP) Trundle - Junkyard Trundle(750RP), Traditional Trundle(LIMITED/RARE) Tryndamere - King Tryndamere(520RP) Twisted Fate - Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate(520RP) Twitch - Gangster Twitch(975RP) Udyr - Primal Udyr(975RP) Urgot Varus Vayne - Dragonslayer Vayne(975RP) Veigar - Leprechaun Veigar(520RP), Bad Santa Veigar(LIMITED/RARE) Vi Viktor Vladimir - Marquis Vladimir(520RP) Volibear - Northern Storm Volibear(750RP) Warwick - Feral Warwick(LIMITED/RARE) Wukong - Jade Dragon Wukong(975RP) Xerath Xin Zhao - Commando Xin Zhao(520RP) Yorick - Undertaker Yorick(520RP) Zac Zed - Shockblade Zed(975RP) Ziggs - Pool Party Ziggs(1350RP) Zilean - Groovy Zilean(520RP) Zyra Message me if you've got any questions, if you wanna see any pictures or wanna discuss the price!:) CYA!:)
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