Selling League of Legends Accounts for Sale - Other...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    League of Legends Accounts for Sale - Other Sellers Asas Tehasas EU West, Silver 1, 6 rune pages, 77 champions, Runes: 90 reds, 115 seals, 108 blus, 48 quints, skins: Hd rengar, Sandstorm kata, DemonBlade trynda, Warmonger sion, Bandit sivir, Commando j4, dradknight garen, lill sluger trundle, prestigious leblanc, golden allistar, chosen yi, imperial xin, hillbilly gragas, tundra hunter ww, leprechaun veigar, Mr. mundoverse(rare), unchained allistar. 11 hours ago Melvin Müller Selling my smurf account on EUwest. Its on Silver1 with 65 Champions and 31 Skins. If you are interested, just send me a pm 11 hours ago Arturo Rojas i have one account to sell in LAN server to sell msg for more information 13 hours ago 15 Replies Cameron Irby NA - Level 30 - Silver V - 15 Champions ( Kennen, Thresh, Wukong, Jarvan, Nunu, Janna to name a few ) 4 Skins ( best one being Aether Wing Kayle )- 259-281 ( 48% win rate ) - PM me. 14 hours ago Tom Albert Smedsrud Europa West account | silver 2 | 69-champs | 15skins | pm me 16 hours ago Marcel Legarth Selling EUW acc. 108 champs 30+ skins. 5 runepages runes to everylane silver divi. pm me for more. 16 hours ago Marcel Legarth Selling EUW acc. 16 hours ago Matteo Moretti Selling EUW Account 83 Champ 77 skin [Pulsefire,Spirit - 7 Leggendary skin - Annie dark(bundle) - TPA(bundle) etc..] Silver IV 36 Win - 33 Lose...See More 18 hours ago · Edited James Gunwoo Kim Selling NA PLAT V account with 90 champs 60 skins (championship riven, mecha khazix, candy cane kat, pool party ziggs and more) - 200$, Dia V acc with full champs 6 LP with 30ish skins - 230$ 22 hours ago Will Rollins Add me on skype - wmr0919 14 hours ago Rasmus Larsen Selling EUW Account! Approximately 50 skins, some of them are legacy skins (skins you cannot buy anymore). Got all champs except Zed, Elise, Kog Maw, Lucian, Trundle, Rumble, Nautilus and Galio. Silver V. Please private message me for more info if you're interested. WILL SELL FOR A LOW PRICE! 23 hours ago Lawrence Rogers Selling: Europe West; 1140 Wins; Solo/Duo Queue Gold V; Owning all champions but: Aatrox, Caitlyn, Darius, Elise, Fiora, Fizz, Hecarim, Heimerdinger, Irelia, Jayce, Kha'Zix, Kog'Maw, Leona, Lucian, Lulu, Maokai, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Nocturne, P...See More 23 hours ago · Edited Κώστας Μάχος EU NE 750 wins 72 owned champs 30 skins(some rares) 5 rune pages(full)|30 euros |only paysafe Yesterday at 9:22am 3 Replies · 9 hours ago Mathieu Lezane Looking for an EUW account currently(season 3) plat/diamond, PM me with ur price. Yesterday at 8:46am Jack Tomei WTS EUW account, 96 champ 50+ skin including a lot rare and unavailable + legendary kayle + championship riven + spirit guard udyr. 950+ win in normal. Silver IV 50 + win on 90 played games, mmr good (22 lp on win, -16 on lost) Season 2 ranking: silver. Pm me. Yesterday at 7:48am · Edited 4 Replies 關震霆 NA account Platiuim 4 41skin 15skin+(legacy) 90champions. normal MMR 18 -20 per games .$180 no offer 2 hours ago · Edited Will Rollins Add me on Skype wmr0919
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  2. OP
    Gilbert Wong

    Gilbert Wong
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    How do I buy acc
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