Selling WTB: LoL Account with Fresh/decent ELO Looking for...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    WTB: LoL Account with Fresh/decent ELO Looking for a lvl 30 NA LoL account. Must have some runes, many champions, and some skins are a plus. You WILL be required to give the recovery info when selling as well as various other information. I am not looking for godly accounts with 50 skins and 15xx ELO. Please contact via . :bobmcjeffery POST BEFORE CONTACTING PLEASE WTB: WTB LoL lvl 30 Account, something with tons of T3 Runes :) As the title says... I'm looking to purchase a lvl 30 LoL account. All I'm looking for is an account with a wide selection of T3 runes purchased. I could care less about rating. Account must also be in GOOD standing! Not looking to get something with bad reputation or with numerous past penalties on the account. If you have something that may interest me, PM me or POST HERE. AIM = GhuLamMustafa922 = GMK922 Accounts with legendary items, tons of skins, champions, etc... are just icing on the cake for me , but def. not things I'm looking for at first. WTT: League Of legends For World Of Warcraft. Hi, I have a level 30 league of legend account with 52 champions, 2000 Ip and a 7 win booster left. I would like to have a 85 Wow acc for it, prefferebly a Warlock WTT: LoL account, eu west. 62 champs for WoW EU account. Hey. I want to trade my LoL EU West account for a WoW EU account. The wow account need to have some lvl 85's. My lol account contains 62 champions. AD/AP/Jungle and full crit(troll) runepages. Also contains some skins. If interested PM me with your contact information or write in this post. WTT: LoL account, all champions, 700 + wins, 60+ skins 5 legendary skins for wow gold LoL account, all champions, 700 + wins, 60+ skins 5 legendary skins Ive been playing League of Legends for about two years, ive collected every champion there is avalitble up to LuLu and there is 61 + skins on the account ( includding Legendary vladamir, tristana, olaf, chogath, teemo) i can provide links to my champions, and all my rune pages pleas
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