Selling NA ACCOUNT! I am currently selling a Gold 3 (In...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tylor Stanfield, 8/28/13.

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  1. Tylor Stanfield

    Tylor Stanfield
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    NA ACCOUNT! I am currently selling a Gold 3 (In Promo for gold 1) League Of Legends Account. Currently with this account it contains the following skins. Midnight - Ahri Crimson - Akali (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Longhorn - Alistar Pharaoh - Amumu (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Frostfire - Annie Frejord - Ashe Boom Boom - Blitzcrank Cryocore - Brand Resistance - Caitlyn Hot Rod - Corki Bio-Forge - Darius Toxic - Mundo (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Soulreaver - Draven Masqurade - Evelynn (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Frosted - Ezeral Headmisteress - Fiora (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Spooky - Gankplank Mafia - Graves Piltover Customs - Heimerdinger Frostblade - Irelia Frost Queen - Janna Commando - Jarvan IV Angler - Jax (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Nemesis - Jax Original - Karma Grimreaper - Karthus Mercenary - Katarina Judgment - Kayle Traditional - Lee Sin Dragon-Fist - Lee Sin Steel Legion - Lux Glacial - Malphite Shamrock - Malphite (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Festive - Maokai (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Headhunter - Master Yi Mafia - Miss Fortune Lord Mord - Mordekaiser Dragon Knight - Mordekaiser (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") French Maid - Nidalee Eternum - Nocturne (Legendary) NunuBot - Nunu (Legendary) Brolaf - Olaf (Legendary) Swen Chaos - Orianna Full Metal - Pantheon Headhunter - Rengar Battle Bunny - Riven Pirate - Ryze (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Yellow Jacket - Shen (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Warlord - Shen Boneclaw - Shyvana Augmented - Singed Lumberjack - Sion Earthrune - Skarner Arcade - Sona Renegade - Talon Emerald - Taric (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Badger - Teemo (Legacy "No Longer Obtainable") Scout - Teemo Rocket Girl - Tristana Jack Of Hearts - Twisted Fate Gangasta - Twitch Archlight - Varus DragonSlayer - Vayne Leprechaun - Veigar Artic Wolf - Warwick Big Bad - Warwick Shockblade - Zed Missing Champions As of August 18th 2013~ Aatrox Elise Galio Kha'Zix Lissandra Lucian Nami Quinn Sejuani Syndra Viktor Xerath Zac Other Information Regarding the Account: 10 Rune Pages Over 1000 Normal Wins Summer Icons; the ones from last Halloween event (Purchase 10k Rp) Name is 4 Letters, 1 letter is an alt code, nothing rude, it is an understandable name, not vulgar, no numbers. Name will be given once the purchase is complete for security reasons. Friends list will be wiped before hand. TakeDowns: 20681 - Diamond Ranking Monster and Minion Kills: 185715 - Platinum Ranking Wins: 756 (Reason i said over 1000 is cause it includes Dominion & 3v3 Most play champs on the ranked screen: Vayne / Janna / Riven. No Ribbons. 6000 LP Looking to trade for a Diamond 5 Account or higher, no skins needed. Or selling this account for $350 PST
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