Sold Looking for offer - Star Trek Online Account...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/19/13.

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  1. Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Looking for offer - Star Trek Online Account Hello, like Quark says Time is money, and i have no more tim so im trying to sell my STO Account, just PERFECT as the new First Expansion "Rolumus" is under way within this month Account: Level 50 Vice Admiral (max Rank) Equipment: Jam'Hadar Phaser, Jem'Hadar Rifle, Jem'Hadar Armor, Jem'Hadar Shield Bridge Officers: Jem'Hadar, Borg (pre-order edition), ferenghi... and more all purple ultra rare Ship: Cardassian Galor (Borg infused) Weapons: 8x Spiral Weave Disruptors Systems: Borg Shield, Borg Deflector, Borg Engines Consoles: Borg Universal Assimilated Console, 3x Disruptor Consoles, 4x Neotronium Alloy other ships: 7-8 other high valued Federation Ships like the Rare Defiant, and a Shuttle with the Whole 3 part Jem'Hadar set Ranks: Tier 1 in Romulan and Maco, lot of purple Romulan Phasers unlocked Credits: 4,500,000 Dilithium: around 7,000 items: 5 Fleet Ship Modules (worth 5million each or use), all Pre-Order and Amazon unlocks and some shop cash like 200... the Character is in a lvl4 Fleet almost max lvl5 with alot of stuff to buy lot of accolades finished, and all Episodes Finished to replay and regain new equipment also 3 Unlocks to create own missions in the Foundry. also a lvl27 or 29 Klingon Character...
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