Sold Selling swtor account 12 level 75s tons of cartel items and more

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rain32000, 1/15/21.

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  1. Rain32000

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    This account comes with 12 level 75s both republic and empire as well as 2 level 70s and a couple of storage toons,55 mill in credits, over 100 uncollected cartel items from cartel packs as well as many gold and platinum items that are collected, tons of mounts, full strongholds with light decorating on some, all but rishi are fully unlocked and that is only missing one room. there are also 100 cartel coins and as of today 22 days let on a subscription. some items in collections are unstable peacemaker lightsaber and doublsaber, revans lightsaber, both of malgus armor sets, revan reborn armor set, callous conqueror armor set, defiant vented lightsaber and much more. asking 70 USD on playeractions SWTOR account 12 level 75s multiple sets of 306 gear many cartel ... | ID 156465959 | playerup
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