WTS: lvl 30 silver 3 w/ alot of heroes and skins

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LoL, 9/29/13.

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  1. LoL

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    level 30, silver 3 have alot of runes (armor, armorpen, dmg, magica pen, attack speed marks) (armorand mana regen per lvl seals) (armor, mr ,mr perlevel glyphs) (Ap, health per lvl, ms, damage quints) Heros-Skins: Akali Alistar amumu- Sadrobot and pahroah skins Anivia Annie- Frost skin Ashe Blitz Chogath Corki Darius Diana Mundo- Mundoverse skin draven elise Eve Ezreal- nottingham and frosted skin fiddelstick- Dark candy fiddle sticks skin Fiora -headmistress skin Galio Gp- Toy solider skin Garen Graves- mafia skin Hecarim Heimer irelia- nightblade skin janna- frost queen skin jax- Temple jax skin Jayce Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle- viridian skin kennen- arctic kennen khazix kogmaw- butterfly and sonoran skin Lee sin- taditional lee sin skin lulu lux malphite- glacial malpite malzahar- vizier skin maokai- christmas tree skin yi mf morde morgana nami nasus nautilus nidalee nocturne nunu- grungy nunu skin olaf- brolaf orianna pantheon poppy renekton rengar riven rumble ryze shaco shen- yellow jacket skin shyvana singed- augmented singed sion sivir skarner- earthrune skarner skin soraka swain taric teemo- badger skin tristana tryndamere- sultan tryndamere tf- underworld tf skin twitch udyr urgot varus vayne veigar- greybeard skin vlad- marquis warwick- big bad ww wukong- vlocano wukong zerath- runeborn xerath xin zhao yorick zliean- time machine zilean
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