Selling  High End  Linked  End Game Account  Android and iOS Level 134 End Game Day 1 Account

Discussion in 'Dragalia Lost Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SellinAccountS, 9/14/19.

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  1. SellinAccountS

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    Great end game account that has 30 5 star adventurers two that have been promoted which is Vanessa and Sazanka. All elemental teams ranging from 20000 to 22000 might. Only limited adventurers I don't have are Marth Gala Cleo and Gala Mym. Has 14 gacha dragons plus a duplicate of Cerberus and Marishiten. Maxed dragons are Marishiten Cerberus Garuda and Poseidon. 51 five star wyrmprints not including duplicates and a bunch of four star wyrmprints. All event buildings maxed and castle level 1232. Most of the altars maxed. Blade and lance dojos are 31/31 and the rest are at 18/18 or higher. 20895 wyrmite 5 tenfold tickets 69 single tickets and 1 five star summon ticket. Almost 30mil rupies 7mil mana and 500k eldwater. 389 honey 111 quality honey 457 exquisite honey 524 ethon ashes and 148 blessed ethon ashes. Other resources worth mentioning are 90 knights testaments 18 champions testaments 15 moonlight stones 4 sunlight stones 34 steel brick 4 damascus ingots 8 silver keys 10 golden keys 54 void seeds and 58 twinkling sand. If you have any questions just message me and let me know your offer if you're interested
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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