Selling WTS: WTS 1400 elo rare skin account! NA server...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/1/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: WTS 1400 elo rare skin account! NA server riot nasus medievil twitch grey warwick magnif twisted fate some other skins 3 rune pages : dalade [SOLD] WTS/WTT Awsom' EUROPE account! Hello. *Selling EUNE (easy to transfer it) League of Legends (Never BANNED)account lvl 30 . Diamond (border/summoner icon) for season2, Platinum for season3. Including an PBE account lvl 30 ofcourse , with all champions , all runepages , newest legendary skins etc. For sale the priece is 150~ Euros. *Trading for EUNE/EUW account : -ALL i ask is an account with lvl 30 NO RANKED GAMES played (any season) with all champions. EUROPE or -ACCOUNT DIAMOND this season and past seasons(or no ranked games played seasons before at all ap/tank/movement.... Champions: 80: ahri/akali/amumu/anivia/annie/ashe/blitzcrank/brand/caitlyn/cho'gath/corki/darius/diana/dr.mundo/evelyn/ezreal/fidlesticks/fiora/gankplank/garen/gragas/graves/hecarim/heimerdinger/irelia/jana/jarvan/jax/jayce/karthus/kassadin/katarina/kayle/kennen/kog/leblank/leesin/lux/malphite/malzahar/maokai/masteryi/missfortune/mordekaiser/morgana/nasus/nautilius/nidalee/noc/nunu/olaf/orianna/phanteon/poppy/rammus/renekton/rengar/riven/rumble/ryze/shaco/shen/shyvana/singed/sion/sivir/skarner/sona/soraka/swain/talon/taric/teemo/tristana/trundle... Skins: Stinger Akali, Unchained Alistar, Red riding Annie, (collectables) Vandal Brand, Minuteman Gankplank, Riot Graves, udgement Kayle, Deadly Kennen, Traditional Lee Sin, Glaive Warrior Phanteon, Full Metal Rammus, Yellow Jacket Shen, (collectables) Riot Girl Tristana, Highland Tryndamere, (collectables) Comando Xin Victorious Jana : environ191 - - - Updated - - - BTW to show you i`m all serious i`m giving webcam , showing my driver liciense AND SHARING MY ACCOUNT SCREEN to see all the champions skins and so on . [SOLD] Eune 30lvl 1650 elo 102 champions acc 7 pages runes I want to sell an EAST Acc: At that moment: -TOP ELO: 1664 ATM: 1588 -6273...
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