Selling WTS: LoL NA lvl 30, 97 champions, 45 Skins, 11...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: LoL NA lvl 30, 97 champions, 45 Skins, 11 Rune Pages and more Hello, I spend far too much time on League of Legends and so I am getting rid of my account. I spent a lot of money on this but am only looking for about $150 total for the account. Paypal only. I will not let you onto the account until after you have paid. Screenshots can be arranged. Here is the full list of what the account offers: 97 Champions 45 Skins, 11 Rune Pages Ahri Akali Alistar Unchained Amumu Little Knight Anivia Bird of Prey Annie Ashe Woad Ashe Blitzcrank Brand Cryocore Brand Caitlyn Cassiopeia Cho'Gath Prehistoric/Battlecast Legendary Corki Darius Lord Darius Diana Dark Valkyrie Dr. Mundo Draven Evelynn Ezreal PFE Fiddlesticks Fiora Fizz Tundra Fizz Galio Gatekeeper Legendary Skin Gangplank Garen Desert Trooper/Dreadknight Gragas Graves Heimerdinger Irelia Janna Jarvan IV Commando/Darkforge Jax Jayce Full Metal Jayce Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle Unmasked Kayle Kennen Kog'Maw LeBlanc Lee Sin Leona Iron Solari Lulu Lux Malphite Obsidian Malzahar Maokai Charred Maokai Master Yi Mordekaiser Morgana Black Thorn Nasus K9 Nasus/Galactic/Dreadknight Nautilus Subterranean Nidalee Nocturne Ravager Nunu Demolisher/Nunu Bot Legendary Olaf Pantheon Full Metal Poppy Scarlet Hammer Rammus Full Metal Renekton Riven Rumble Ryze Dark Crystal Sejuani Shaco Shen Shyvana Ironscale Singed Sion Sivir Pax Sivir Skarner Sona Pentakill Soraka Swain Talon Taric Bloodstone Teemo Super Teemo Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Primal Urgot Varus Blight Crystal Vayne Veigar Superb Villain Viktor Full Machine Vladimir Blood Lord Legendary Volibear Warwick Tundra Hunter Wukong Xerath Xin Zhao Yorick Undertaker Ziggs Mad Scientist Zilean Runes All tier 3 Marks: Attack Speed x9 Armor Pen x9 Magic Pen x9 Crit Chance x9 Ability Power x9 Physical Damage x9 Seals: Mana Regen per level x9 Crit Chance x8 Mana Regen x 3 Armor x 9 Physical Damage x9 Glyphs: Attack Speed x9 Ability Power per...
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