Selling WTS: Lol Eu West account Lvl 30 cheap or trade for...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/7/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: Lol Eu West account Lvl 30 cheap or trade for ISK Lvl 30 account on Eu West server account has : 132 IP 3649 RP and some skins 47 chars ( 9 x 6300 RP chars) 5 rune pages filled with tier 3 runes ( Jungle , ap , ad ) 1200 elo 338 wins 354 losses i accept ISK trade Pm with offers Thx WTS: Elo boosts & 2,5k elo account. Add entenzwerg123 on , doing lol boosts & selling a 2,5k elo account. I'm not interested in low **** offers, so don't add me if you have no cash. Diamond tier 1, prestigious ****. Add me, and offer. If you have no feedback, we do the trade on my rules. WTS: League of Legends Acc / 68 champs / 1598 elo Champs : 68 Ahri Akali Alistar Anivia Annie Ashe brand cassiopeia cho'gath darius Dr.Mundo draven evelyn ezreal fiddlesticks gangplank gragas graves hecarim jax jayce karma karthus kassadin katarina kayle kennen kha'zix leblanc lee sin lulu lux malphite master yi miss fortune morgana nasus nautilus nidalee nocturne nunu olaf orriana pantheon poppy riven rubmle ryze sejuani shaco singed sion soraka talon teemo tristana trundle tryndamere twisted fate twitch udyr varus vayne vladimir warwick wukong xerath ziggs Skins : 8 Pulsfire Ezreal Brolaf Demonblade Tryndamere K9 Nasus Glaive Warrior Pantheon Royal Shaco Riot Graves Super Teemo +at the end of the season : War Hero Janna Runs : 3 pages full ( ap , ad carry , tanky dps , tank) IP: 2101 RP: 132 ELO: 1598 , Gold and silver on the first season. Takedowns: 33170 M&M killed: 188271 Wins: 1072 2 refunds available Waiting for offers.Add me on : andibsnip WTS: WTS League of Legends account EU West (104 Champions - 61 skins total) Hey i'm selling an lvl 30 account on EU West, MM is fine for me if u wanna pay the fee. Otherwise its money then account info since i'm not planning to be scammed As last person that contacted me tryed to scam multiple ppl at the same time :/ heres some screenshots 53 days more of IP boost It gots a 17xx Rating Only missing Kha'Zix Got 2 Refund...
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