Selling WTS: LoL EU nord & east acc 887 normal wins,gold...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/17/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: LoL EU nord & east acc 887 normal wins,gold rank,73 champs Wts my acc.since i dont have time to play it anymore,and also played game so long so it bored me.. i think that 60 euroos would be fair for that acc... i got 2 times scamed,so i dont want it to happen again. b4 u decide to contact me,read all rules i have,for selling acc,if u agree there add me on ( nemanja_kostolac1 ) or pm me here. 1. My country doesnt have paypal,so only we can deal with WU or bank card. 2. I can give u all screenshots u want,but i cant give u username and pw b4 i get money ( 2 times got scamed like that so ill be so stupid if i do it 3rd time same) 3. All till u respect ur part of deal (payment),ill respect my (ill wont recover acc) 4. Talking on would be nice,so we can deal better (letters cant make picture about person,talk can) 5. When we deal,if we deal, ill give u my number,FB if u want,so u can contact me whenever something happen with acc,and ill resolve it as fast as i can ( but there wont be any problems if u dont give ur info to any1) Thanks for understanding,if u understand - - - Updated - - - Champs : Akali,Alistar, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Bltizcrank, Cho gath, Corki, Dr. Mundo, Evelyn, Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Galio, Gankplank, Garen, Gragas, Graves, Hecarim, Irelia, Jannam Jarvan IV, Jax, Jayce, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Katarina, Kayle, Kennen, Kha' zix, Le blanc, Lux, Malphite, Malzahar, Master yi, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nasus, Nidalee, Nocturne, Nunu, Olaf, Pantheon, Poppy, Renekton, Rengar, Riven, Ryze, Shaco, Shen, Shyvana, Singed, Sion, Sivir, Skarner, Sona, Soraka, Swain, Talon, Taric, Teemo, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate,Twitch, Udyr, Veigar, Vladimir, Warwick, Wukong, Xin Zhao, Yorick 2 rune pages, AP and ad akali skin only WTB: LVL 30 NA Account Under 40$ Dont care about skins and such. Let me know what you got. Verified paypal account for 5 years. WTB: LVL 30 NA Account Wanting to buy a Level 30 NA account, preferably with no ranked games played. Don't...
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