Selling WTS Ios account ranger/mage/monk/war with 2 x...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/23/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Ios account ranger/mage/monk/war with 2 x sunsaya and rahjil staff WTS one IOS account with 4 toons, 3 lvl 60 and 1 lvl 22. Ranger with sunsaya bow (OBSERVER'S MARKET), mage with rahjil staff (OBSERVER'S MARKET), war lvl 22 with sunsaya bow (SWAMP OF WYRNS). Elf female RANGER lvl 60: Archer epic gear 5/6 SUNSAYA CROSSBOW, reinforced stealth hunter's coat, dark assassin ring, cerulean ring, RK and KP dungeon rings, Hidden Cloak, BMC of wind, black lotus, Reinforced Devil's Dagger, Soul trinket (rune's fingerstall), ansurui's trophy, 1 disciplined mark, 2 kermode's tear, Dark Assassin Necklace (souls) dungeon items, 2 symbols of champion, 1 essence of swamp. (available souls: 530) Elf female MONK lvl 60: Healer epic gear 6/6 Soul-soothing staff, HF of salvation, black heart ring, prosecutor's ring of salvation, Infinite Energy ring (souls), Waterboarding cloak, Promise book trinket, 2 x swamp eyes, gindular's beads, Ultanjin's wisdom, Infinite Energy Necklace (souls), dungeon items, pets. Mili items: hood and shoes epic recipes, floating cloud stick, 5 x essence of swamps. (available souls: 228) Elf female MAGE lvl 60: Mage epic gear 4/6 RAHJIL'S STAFF, reinforced conciliation magecloth robe, Magic excited ring (souls), withered ring of sorcery, ocean's breeze, swamp eyes x 2, Infinite Energy necklace (souls), shadewood pendant, dungeon items, pets. (available souls: 112) Human female WARRIOR lvl 22: SUNSAYA CROSSBOW, quest items.. TOTAL RUNES IN ACCOUNT = 22 TOTAL GOLD IN ACCOUNT = 300 ****NO TRADE**** ONLY VERIFIED PAYPAL ***** WTS ANDROID - 60 ELF RANGER 4/6, 60 ORC WARRIOR with RUNE GEAR (check for other items) Selling my account via Paypal Android OS - America - Arcadian Forest Server ELF RANGER (xiS_Smoove) with 4/6 EPIC ARCHER GEAR (Keen Track Killer) (Hybrid Archer Build) COMPLETE TRACK KILLER SET (85 RUNES) Reinforced Stealth Hunter Coat 2x Robust Brand Epic Archer Trinket (100 runes each) Windcutter, Carrion Bow Black Lotus,...
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