[WTS] (GOLD RANKED) Level 30 US Account - 115k IP, 11 Runebooks, All Champs, 100+ Skins :D

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends, 4/9/12.

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  1. League of Legends

    League of Legends
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    I'm selling my league of legends account due to the fact that I am deploying for the next year and will only return to be playing Diablo 3. This account has everything you could hope for. Every champion in the game is Owned, 100+ Skins, and 42 LIMITED EDITIONS SKINS that you can NOT get anymore!!! 11 Full Runebooks with Rune Sets Still left over! (Paid with Riot Points for Extra Runebooks) This is nice so you can have many different books for different champions. GOLD ELO and Rewards from Season One 850+ Normal Wins 115,000+ IP to buy MORE RUNES AND CHAMPIONS WHEN THEY RELEASE! RED Runes: x9 - 1.7% Attack Speed x9 - 1.7 Armor Pen x9 - 0.16% Cooldown x9 - 1.9 Ability Power lvl 18 x9 - 3.5 HP x9 - 2.2% Crit Dmg x9 - 0.95 Magic Pen x1 - 5.9 Mana x3 - 0.93% Crit Chance x9 - 2.4 Physical Dmg lvl 18 x9 - 0.59 Ability Power x9 - 0.91 Armor x9 - 0.97 Magic Resist YELLOW Runes: x9 - 0.76% Attack Speed x9 - 0.25 Gold per 10 x9 - 1.2 Mana Regen / 5 lvl 18 x9 - 2.7 Armor lvl 18 x9 - 0.29% Cooldown % x9 - 1.9 Ability Power lvl 18 x9 - 5.3 Health x9 - 0.78% Crit Dmg x9 - 1.1 Physical Dmg lvl 18 x9 - 0.59 Ability Power x9 - 2.0 HP Regen / 5 lvl 18 x9 - 0.41 Mana Regen / 5 x9 - 1.4 Armor x9 - 19 HP lvl 18 x9 - 0.74 Magic Resist BLUE Runes: x9 - 0.64% Attack Speed x9 - 0.96% Cooldown % lvl 18 x9 - 0.99 Mana Regen / 5 lvl 18 x9 - 0.65% Cooldown % x9 - 3.1 Ability Power lvl 18 x9 - 2.7 HP x9 - 0.56 Crit Dmg x9 - 0.57 Magic Pen x2 - 26 Mana lvl 18 x9 - 0.73 Physical Dmg lvl 18 x9 - 0.99 Ability Power x9 - 0.31 Mana Regen / 5 x9 - 2.7 Magic Resist lvl 18 x9 - 2.7 HP Regen / 5 x2 - 9.7 HP lvl 18 x9 - 1.5 Magic Resist PURPLE Runes: x3 - 3.4% Attack Speed x3 - 1.0 Gold Per 10 x3 - 3.3 Armor Pen x3 - 1.64% Cooldown % x3 - 7.8 Ability Power lvl 18 x3 - 26 HP x3 - 4.5% Crit Dmg x3 - 1.9 Magic Pen x3 - 4.5 Physical Dmg lvl 18 x3 - 5.0 Ability Power x2 - 5.00% Time Less Dead x1 - 6.7 Magic Resist lvl 18 x3 - 2.3 Physical Dmg x3 - 1.5% Movement Speed x3 - 2.7 Health Regen / 5 x3 - 4.5 Magic Resist x3 - 2.0% Experiance Bonus % Champion Skins: Alistar - Black Alistar (LIMITED SKIN - Pre-Order Skin - This skin is worth $200 on Ebay), Unchained Alistar (LIMITED SKIN) Amumu - Almost Prom King Amumu Annie - Goth Annie (LIMITED SKIN), Red Diding Annie (LIMITED SKIN), Annie in Wonderland (LEGENDARY), Reverse Annie, FrankenTibbers Annie (LIMITED SKIN) Ashe - Freljord Ashe, Queen Ashe Blitzcrank - Definitley Not Blitzcrank (LIMITED SKIN) Brand - Apocalyptic Brand Caitlyn - Safari Caitlyn, Arctic Warfare Caitlyn Cassiopeia - Desperada Cassiopeia Cho'Gath - Nightmare Cho'Gath, Gentleman Cho'Gath (LEGENDARY) Dr. Mundo - Toxic Dr. Mundo (LIMITED SKIN), Mr. Mundoverse (LIMITED SKIN) Evelynn - Tango Evelynn, Masquerade Evelynn (LIMITED SKIN) Ezreal - Nottingham Ezreal (LIMITED SKIN) Fiddlesticks - Fiddle Me Timbers, Surprise Party Fiddlesticks (LIMITED SKIN) Galio - Enchanted Galio, Hextech Galio Gangplank - Toy Soldier Gangplank (LIMITED SKIN) Gragas - Scuba Gragas (LIMITED SKIN), Gragas Esq. Heimerdinger - Alien Invader Heimerdinger (LEGENDARY), Snowmerdinger (LIMITED SKIN) Jax - PAX Jax (2011 PAX LIMITED SKIN - This skin is worth $60 on Ebay) Jarvan IV - Victorious Jarvan IV (LIMITED SKIN - Obtained only by Gold Rank in Season One Ranked) Karthus - Grim Reaper Karthus, Pentakill Karthus Katarina - Red Card Katarina (LIMITED SKIN), Mercenary Katarina Kog'Maw - Caterpillar Kog'Maw, Sonoran Kog'Maw (LIMITED SKIN) Kayle - Silver Kayle (LIMITED SKIN - Collectors Edition Skin - This skin is worth $100 on Ebay) Kennen - Swamp Master Kennen (LIMITED SKIN) LeBlanc - Mistletoe LeBlanc (LIMITED SKIN) Leona - Defender Leona, Valkyrie Leona Malphite - Shamrock Malphite (LIMITED SKIN) Malzahar - Vizier Malzahar, Shadow Prince Malzahar Maokai - Festive Maokai (LIMITED SKIN) Mordekaiser - Dragon Knight Mordekaiser (LIMITED SKIN) Morgana - Sinful Succulence Morgana Nasus - Riot K-9 Nasus (2011 PAX LIMITED SKIN - This skin is worth $20 on Ebay) Nidalee - Leopard Nidalee (LIMITED SKIN), Bewitching Nidalee (LIMITED SKIN) Nocturne - Haunting Nocturn (LIMITED SKIN) Nunu - Sasquatch Nunu (LIMITED SKIN) Olaf - Forsaken Olaf, Glacial Olaf Orianna - Gothic Orianna, Sewn Chaos Orianna Pantheon - Perseus Pantheon Poppy - Blacksmith Poppy (LIMITED SKIN) Rammus - Ninja Rammus Rummble - Rumble in the Jungle, Bilgerat Rumble Ryze - Human Ryze (LIMITED SKIN - Pre-Order Skin - This skin is worth $100 on Ebay), Professor Ryze (LIMITED SKIN) Sejuani - Sabretusk Sejuani, Darkrider Sejuani Shaco - Mad Hatter Shaco, Asylum Shaco Shen - Frozen Shen, Yellow Jacket Shen Singed - Riot Squad Singed (LIMITED SKIN) Sion - Hextech Sion (LIMITED SKIN) Sivir - Spectacular Sivir, PAX Sivir (2011 PAX LIMITED SKIN - This skin is worth $20 on Ebay) Skarner - Sandscourge Skarner, Earthrune Skarner Soraka - Dryad Soraka, Divine Soraka Taric - Armor of the Fith Age Taric Teemo - Cottontail Teemo (LIMITED SKIN), Badger Teemo (LIMITED SKIN) Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana (LIMITED SKIN) Tryndamere - Highland Tryndamere (LIMITED SKIN) Twisted Fate - PAX Twisted (2009 PAX LIMITED SKIN - This skin is worth $200 on Ebay) Twitch - Kingpin Twitch (LIMITED SKIN), Vandal Twitch Udyr - Black Belt Udyr Vayne - Aristocrat Vayne, Vindicator Vayne Vladimir - Marquis Vladimir, Count Vladimir Volibear - Thunder Lord Volibear, Northern Storm Volibear Warwick - Firefang Warwick, Feral Warwick, Tundra Hunter Warwick Wukong - Volcanic Wukong, General Wukong Xin Zhao - Commando Xin Zhao, Imperial Xin Zhao Yorick - Undertaker Yorick, Pentakill Yorick Ziggs - Mad Scientist Ziggs Zilean - Groovy Zillean
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