Selling WTS 2044 top elo Plat Seasons 2 League Of Legends...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/14/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS 2044 top elo Plat Seasons 2 League Of Legends Account EU WEST ACCOUNT Account rp : 419 Account ip : 9198 Platinum season 2 – 2044 top elo Champions : Ahri // Nunu Alistar // Olaf Amumu // Pantheon Anivia // Poppy Annie // Rammus Ashe // Riven Blitzcrank // Ryze Caitlin // Shaco Cassiopeia // Shen Cho Gath // Shyvana Corki // Singed Mundo // Sion Ezreal // Sivir Fiddesticks // Skarner Fiora // Sona Fizz // Soraka Galio // Swain Ganglpank // Talon Garen // Taric Gragas // Teemo Graves // Tristana Irelia // Trundle Janna // Tryndamere Jarvan // Twisted Fate Jax // Udyr Karma // Vayne Kassadin // Veigar Katarina // Vladimir Kayle // Warwick Kennen // Wukong Kog’Maw // Xerath Leblanc // Xin Zhao Lee sin // Yorick Leona // Ziggs Lux // Zyra Malphite Maokai Miss Fortune Mordekaiser Morgana Nasus Nautilus Nidalee Nocturne Runes : Marks: // Seals: // Glyphs: // Quintessences: 9x Resilience // 9x Alacrity // 9x Alacrity // 3x Avarice 9x Alacrity // 9x Avarice // 9x Celerity // 3x Defense 9x Force // 9x Defence // 9x Insight // 3x Desolation 9x Furor // 9x Force // 5x Intellect // 3x Furor 9x Insight // 9x Knowledge // 9x Potency // 3x Insight 9x Might // 9x Might // 9x Shielding // 3x Potency 9x Potency // 9x Potency // 9x Warding // 3x Swiftness 9x Replenishment // 9x Regeneration // 9x Strenght // 3x Strenght 9x Shielding // 9x Resilience // // 9x Strenght // 9x Replenishment // // 16 Rune Pages Skins : Alistar Infernal/Unchained // Ryze Tribal Anivia Bird Of Prey // Shaco Royal Annie Frostfire // Shyvana Ironscale/Darkflame Blitzcrank Piltover(Legendary) // Talon Crimson Elite Caitlin Officer // Vayne Dragonslayer Cassiopeia Desperada // Veigar Baron von Cho Gath Gentleman(Legendary) // Vladimir Bloodlord(Legendary) Corki Red Baron(Legendary) // Warwick Tundra Fiddle Bandito // Xerath Runeborn Fiora Nightraven // Xin Zhao Winged Hussar Galio Enchanted // Zyra Wild Fire Gangplank Toy Soldier Gragas ESQ Irelia Nightbade Janna Frost Queen Jax...
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