Selling WTB: Riot Graves, Arcade Sona, Pax Jax + Sivir if...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/15/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTB: Riot Graves, Arcade Sona, Pax Jax + Sivir if you're interested add my ineeeh3 WTS: NA Lv30 Account (registered in season 1) Hey, I'll cut it short. Alenor - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics - lolking ahri akali alistar (unchained alistar) amumu anivia annie ashe (sherwood forest ashe) brand cho'gath corki (ufo corki) darius (lord darius) dr.mundo draven evelynn ezreal (pulsefire ezreal theme) fiddlesticks fiora galio gangplank garen hecarim irelia janna jarvan IV jax (vandal jax, jaximus) jayce kassadin katarina (kitty kat katarina) kayle (judgment kayle) kha'zix (mecha kha'zix) kog'maw (reindeer kog'maw) lee sin malphite master yi (assassin master yi, headhunter master yi) mordekaiser (dragon knight mordekaiser) nasus nautilus nidalee nocturne nunu olaf pantheon (myrmidon pantheon) poppy rammus rengar riven (battle bunny riven) ryze shaco shyvana singed sion sivir soraka swain talon (crimson elite talon) taric teemo tristana tryndamere (viking tryndamere) twisted fate twitch udyr urgot varus veigar vladimir volibear warwick (tundra hunter warwick) wukong xin zhao zilean WRITE AN E-MAIL TO hkris96@gmail OR REPLY TO THIS POST! PRICE: Offers please. WTS: Casual NA Account Selling one of my old NA accounts I no longer use. Details listed below. If interested, message me on : deadpriscilla or message me here with your offer. Akali - Crimson Akali (Legacy) Alistar Amumu Annie - Goth Annie (Digital Collector's) Ashe - Woad Ashe Caitlyn - Arctic Warfare Caitlyn Cho'Gath Corki - Hot Rod Corki Evelynn - Tango Evelynn, Masquerade Evelynn (Legacy) Ezreal - Explorer Ezreal Fiddlesticks Heimerdinger Irelia - Nightblade Irelia Janna Kayle - Judgement Kayle (Season 1 Reward) Malphite Morgana Nasus Rammus Ryze Shaco Sivir Soraka Teemo - Astronaut Teemo (Legendary) Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana Tryndamere Veigar Warwick Zilean 3 Rune Pages Marks: x9 AP x9 Armor Pen x9 AD x9 Magic Pen Seals: x9 AP x9 Armor x9 Mana Regen /5 /lvl Glyphs: x9...
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