US WTS - 90 Monk Account - Great Abyssea Account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Race - Hume
    Server - Caitsith [World merge soon to Ragnarok]
    Gender - Male
    Nation - Windurst Rank 10

    Gil - 200,000ish
    Sellables - 2,500,000ish

    Almost every OP, all tele crystals, ALL EXPANSIONS, MOG SATCHEL

    level 38 NPC

    Conquest 10,000ish
    Dominion Ops 250,000ish
    Cruor 512,000ish

    Fully meritted with 208 meritts.

    Subs 50 Warrior
    10 Dancer [was working on it]

    All Abyssea zones unlocked/all tp's gotten.

    Need Raja and Atthowa Chasm win for Shinryu access.

    Full AF for Monk

    More rare/ex include

    1/3 Black Belt [Have Admantoise Egg]
    Dune Boots
    Lava's Ring
    Kusha's Ring
    Heofen Knuckles
    Tantra Tathum
    Magnus Santi
    Indra Katars
    Genbus shield
    zenith crown
    Cassandras earring
    52 beastmen seals
    20 kindred seals
    D abjuration - Head, feet, hands, legs
    3/4 Kirins pops
    2 oblation abjurations
    Lots of other seals, items, quest items, and other stuff!

    I've finally given up trying to play this game. My in real life keeps interfering with FFXI everytime I try to play and now it's my time to move on. Offer on this account or ask more information if you'd like to know more!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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