Selling WTS ALL Rarest Defiance EU JPs since 2013

Discussion in 'Defiance Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Danielkod, 12/6/16.

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  1. Danielkod

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    WTS rarest supremed weapond Defiance EU PC

    FULL Screenshot gallery at :
    Price tagged for those : Sentinel FULL -3% dmg Taken and Full T5 nano% chance FULL T5 DMG 2% This Sweet stuff will go for free to a person who buy 4 100 euros stuff at once
    DC11 PIPER with unique nano % trigger mag 120 euros
    UD Fully T4 modded 120 euros
    EXTERMINATION PROTOCOL Fully T4 modded 110 euros
    Azatoth Fully T4 modded 100 euros
    DC2 Turtle Dove one shot pvp 120 euros
    Devils Advocade one shot pvp 120 euros
    PV84 Ghostmaker one shot pv 110 euros
    Karma 2 shot pvp 80 euros
    Whispered death one shot pvp 110 euros

    ALL other stuff can be discussed

    Only Paypal charge : FOLLOW STEP
    1) add on skype dan delion
    2) you pay through Paypal verified
    3)you get Weapon in game trading
    4) U MUST LEAVE +REP here
    5) enjoy op stuff
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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