Selling Selling Selling vip 15 account server 517

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by linarodos, 3/10/17.

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  1. linarodos

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    Merger 517, server just got merged very active lots of fun and lots of war...

    Arena Rank: 5-15.
    Brawl Rank: 25-60.
    Forteress LVL90, Many runes fragments, travel maps, many elixir of experience, many many other items.
    Alliance level 7 with 60 people about 45 active at the moment you can keep the leadership or ill transfer that to an alt.

    Heroes gold:
    Gearz (orange+4), Chavez (orange+4), Pearl (orange+4), Ruby (orange+3), Muse (orange+4), Bibo (orange +3), Gerber (orange), Leon (orange +2).

    Heroes silver:
    Saizo (orange+4), Sebastian (orange +4), Max (orange +4), Diaochan (orange +4), Russel (orange +3), Emily (orange +3), Delphos (orange +3), Alma (orange +3), Crabie (orange +1), Aurai (orange +2), Medea (orange), Little Red (orange +2), Lee (orange), Jacob (purple +3)

    Heroes 5 STARS:
    Smoke (orange +4), Lilith (orange +4), Candy (orange), Sue (purple +4), Coco (purple +4), Pandarus (purple +2)Gorgana (purple),Salman (purple +1), Bedivere (purple +1), Lufia (purple +1), Watson (purple), West (purple), Gridlock (purple +1),Baggins (purple +2), Seeley (purple), Jolie (purple +1), Uther (purple +2),

    Heroes LEGENDARY:
    Saizo, Smoke, Gerber,Lilith,Robin(4 and half stars, orange +1),Malachi (mystical 4 stars, orange+2)Monk Sun (3 stars, orange), Thanos (3 stars (purple),

    Heroes Awakened:
    Saizo,Aurai,Crabbie,Muse,Emily,Russel,Alma,Little Red

    Heroes locked:
    Rams (27/80), Halley (15/80), Vortex (46/80), Tartarus (26/30), Ariel (28/80), Charon (0/80), Noel & Snow (3/80), Lucifer (3/80), Torin (0/30), Spar (0/80), Edwin (2/80)Nezha (3/80), Halley (15/80).

    Prayer to the dragon:
    4 Bonus: Saizo, Sebastian, Chavez.
    3 Bonus: Robin, Gearz, Malachi, Muse, Lilith, Pearl, Ruby, Bibo, Smoke.
    2 Bonus: Aurai, Russel, Leon, Mon Sun, Max, Emily, Diaochan, Lee, Delphos, Crabbie, Alma.
    1 Bonus: Merlynn, Kong Ming, Little Red, Medea, Karas, Sue, Candy, Lufia,Salman, Baggins, Coco, Jacob, Gridlock, Krash, Zoe, Luje, Lorya.

    Rune core:
    Saizo 70%, Chavez 64%, Max 57%, Pearl 54%, Smoke 54%, Gearx 52%, Sebastian 42%,
    Muse 18%, Leon 10%.

    Invested more than 8.000$ looking to get about 1/3 to 1/4 of that.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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