Sold Selling Selling Rarely Used Account HoTs (for steam wallet code only)

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by p_d24, 1/21/17.

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  1. p_d24

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    I really want to sell my Guild Wars 2 HoTs account for a year now but this is only the time I could set it up ..I rarely used it. I rushly bought the game thinking I will stick to it but other games came and school too. So I couldn't put my self to boot the game again. and this site seems a good place to sell my account.
    Im selling it for only steam wallet code for 40$ . This is the only price since I have not spend some quality time with it.

    Here is my steam :

    I have already transferred the account to a newly made gmail account which you can change the password after the deal is done.

    Account Details:
    1. Characters: 4 (unused lvl 80 booster)
    62 Asura Engineer - used for pve
    14 asura daredevil - used for pvp
    and two test characters
    2. World : US sea of sorrow
    3. No guild (I already quit from it, I rarely did something for that guild so no worries)
    4. This could be a new account since I have not stick around to make some basically this is still a semi-new account
    5. 150 gems left with two costumes bought Lunatic Guard Outfit and the Balthazar Regalia
    6. some boosters in it from daily login and such...

    You could message me here or on steam

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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