Sold Selling Selling random items for credits here on!

Discussion in 'Rocket League Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by supirio, 10/22/16.

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  1. supirio

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    cert paragon polygonal rocket trail (tracks mvps) - 625 credits
    breakout type s - 1750 credits
    slipstream black market decal (applies to any car) - 2250 credits
    exotic photon wheels - 875 credits
    exotic lightning wheels - 875
    parallax black market decal (applies to any car) - 2500 credits
    takumi rx-t import car - 1000 credits
    netherworld rocket trail - 625 credits
    pink painted wizard hat - 625 credits
    exotic lobo wheels painted burnt sienna - 875 credits
    trinity import rocket trail - 875 credits
    certified goalkeeper lobo exotic wheels - 875 credits
    exotic lobo wheels - 625 credits
    saffron painted exotic photon wheels - 2300 credits
    certified goalkeeper lightning wheels - 900 credits
    hypernova boost rocket trail - 900 credits
    dark matter boost rocket trail - 900 credits
    pixel fire rocket trail - 900 credits
    dominus gt import car - 1500 credits
    road hog xl import car - 750 credits
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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