Sold Selling Selling hunter 2star 17lvl 1.377mil might eu 23

Discussion in 'Taichi Panda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bloodmiss, 2/4/17.

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  1. Bloodmiss

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    Selling treasure hunter 2 star 17lvl with 1.377 mill might eu 23 server. Vip8 with 20% done exp to vip 9.600 dias per day. Dayli card and season card 20 day left year card 295 day and super card unlimited day left.

    Hp 436944
    Mana 6780
    Damage 295936
    Hit rate 524
    Dodge rate 311
    Crit rate 521
    Crit damage 709
    Crit resist 371
    Crit reduction 630
    Damage reduction 67382
    Net damage 18210
    Damage resist 82%
    Damage boost 77%

    Wings q20 ref 8 ascesion 6 regeneration 20
    Champion ring discovery 36 ref 12
    Champion hands discovery 36 ref 10 near ref11
    Champion necklace discovery 34 ref 10 need gold to fer 11
    Champion helm discovery 32 ref 10
    Champion armor discovery 34 ref 10
    Titan weapon discovery 40 ref 9 need 1 item to ref 10
    Titan boots discovery 34 ref 8
    Allmost ultra ancient exalts lvl 5
    Fireborn gold lvl 50 full eq need 156 shard to red
    Full gold runes q32 set with 4 q34 core runes
    Need 1 rune 30 and 1 rune 28 and synthesis to do 34 1set of runes. Have evo and lock rune to do exacly 36 set runes.
    Hades evo 15 red +1
    Boxer evo 15 red+1
    Ice phoenix evo 14 lvl 99
    Fire phoenix evo 14 lvl 99
    Borik evo 12 lvl 99
    Nezha evo 15 lvl 99
    Spirit maiden evo 11 84 lvl
    Wise dory evo 8 84 lvl
    Sun wu kong evo 10 lvl 84
    Almost pet have items and skins. Awekning skills ultra at almost lvl 5 hades dm 10lvl.

    Want too sell becouse i think this game is pay to win and is to expensive for me. Want 300 $ fir this acc via paypal pm me here or e-mail [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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