Selling Selling Remington Account, level 200 Sacrier, fully geared and over 40 million kamas.

Discussion in 'Wakfu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wakfuyap, 10/21/16.

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  1. wakfuyap

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    200 fire/earth Sacrier. 41 million kamas. 3 months sub, 1 month heroes.

    Lucloak 10/10/10
    Dora Borette 10/10/10
    Paradoxical Epps 10/10
    Glaivus Shushu
    Nyl Belt
    Nyl Breastplate
    Sabatontons partially runed
    Gold Croc
    Soul Brother
    Black Crow Emblem
    Wind Shield 10
    Talisman Djaro 5/5

    155 feca, 153 sadi, 81 rank 4 pvp Sram with full level 80 pvp gear

    Other items of lesser note.

    Taking offers, eager to sell asap. Leave me a message in my inbox or skype at [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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