Selling Selling Level 50 | super end game account | multiple nat 5 | 20+ 6* mons | more +

Discussion in 'Monster Super League Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Negus0, 1/17/17.

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  1. Negus0

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    I'm going to keep this short, since I want to protect the identity of the account since its a super end game account. Don't want to risk it getting banned.

    I will show screenshots upon request on skype.

    I've leveluped and moved gems around so my mons are CLAN READY. All gemmed well. Every mon that is 6* is +15 6* gems.

    Buying this account will instantly make you a top player easily and basically join any clan you want. :) Buy this before clans!

    NAT 5
    All are evo2 except water shiva(wait for his rework, hopefully he will become good)
    Water shiva
    Water pers
    Water pers(second one)
    Fire arthur
    Water arthur
    Wood valk

    There is 20+ 6* mons on this account. Nike....Seastar..Jellai......banshee.....leo...yuk i you get the point.
    All 20 of the mons are equipped with full 6* gems +15. All GOOD Substats. I've farmed a lot.
    Comes with 4m gold + 1500 astrogems.

    Skype: [email protected]

    Payments I will take are google play card/itunes gift card only. MM will be used if needed. Don't waste my time please, I've sold accounts before. I don't go first so don't try to scam me and waste our time.

    The account is legit and I will show verification I own it.

    Asking Price: $250 for it. I feel like this is fair since I spent around $300+all the time it took to lv50. # though. Not taking trades.

    We will use playerup if needed or a trusted MM here, fee is on you, we will tack it off the negotiated price. I don't use MM from other sites, playerup or playerup only. don't try using your friends skype or faking a MM i will check so don't waste my time.

    Sorry if I sound like an a-hole I've been scammed before and just don't want that again so I just want to clear before someone contacts me.

    You will not find a better deal for this price. You won't even come close if you drop $250 in the game on your account to what I have. Gems require so much time/level/etc.

    Edit- It does dragon up to b8. It can do b10, but I've heard that the drop rate sucks so I never bothered doing it. Had no use for it.
    In terms of PVP you will have no problems getting 450+ gems MINIMUM at the end of the week. The defense team can hold overnight(7-8 hours). I will show you what you need to know/etc.

    Reason for sale is school is starting again, and this game is becoming too grindy for me. Hit me up!
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  2. V N C E.

    V N C E.
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