Selling Selling Level 38 [Rumen] Warrior

Discussion in 'Eclipse War Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/26/15.

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  1. Games

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    Selling Level 38 Rumen warrior Nova server. Gold: 22 Cristal: 1,329 one Cristal is 10 gold.

    Please read all the Info and items below. Leave your offers below and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks.

    Character stats and profession:
    PK Level: 10

    Gears: Armor Rare, Pauldron Rare the rest is Rank:High

    Profession Skill: Crafting Equipment

    Craft: Skill level 4 65%

    Gathering: Skill Level 4 100% Must be level 41 for next Skill level unlock.

    Items and Cards


    Card: Founder's Armored Tiger Rank:Legendary 5 star (+6) Lvl1 I have 2 of these transformations but the other is not Refined. its clean.
    Card: [Elite] Cruel Wind Sprit (+6) (E2) Rank:High 2 star really great car! Lvl10
    Card: [Elite] Cruel Basilisk Rank:High 2 star best card for warriors! Lvl35
    Card: [Elite] Goblin Swamp Watch Commander Rank:High Lvl40
    Card: [Elite] Human Manager Warrior Rank:High Lvl27
    Card: Big Death Stone Golem Rank:Normal 3 star Lvl35 Good for DMG
    Card: Mini Silent Bush Fishman Rank:High 4 Star. Lvl:11


    Dark Solids: 1,177 Used for refining gears. This is 35,310 Gold worth of dark solids.
    Dark Marble: 22 used to refine transformations.
    Heroic Gear Identification scroll: x3
    Heroic Transformation Identification Scroll: x2
    Double EXP Scroll: x2
    Respawn Scroll: x11
    [Greater] Craft Energy: x97
    Max HP Scroll: x6 used to increase HP for 1 hour.
    Legendary Gear Identification Scroll: x1
    Double Transformation EXP Scroll: x3
    Double PK EXP Scroll: x1
    Double Gold Scroll: x1
    Warp Scroll: x9 Allows you to move to desired location on map.
    [Greater] HP Potion: x66
    [High] MP Potion: x68
    [High] Dual Potion: x17
    Nelumbo Gravity Lessener: Mount Movement Speed: 12.0
    Low Grade Refine Protection Scroll: x2 used to refine gear or transformation without chance of downgrading up to +10.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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