Selling Global high end account (Terra/Vaan OSB, several BSB and important SSB)

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shiro92, 2/11/17.

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  1. Shiro92

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    i have 172 stamina, most of the realm dungeons are cleared.
    Usually i use a hybrid team with fire resitance down to unleash Terras OSB.

    You can either text me here, with the e-mail [email protected] or via skype (dark.shiro92) for further information.

    We can negotiate the price.

    Here is a list of some of the soul breaks(i wont list the 5/6 star accessoires, please pm me for the information you need)

    5/6 star:
    OSB: Terra, Vaan
    Sasukes Blade(FF 14 Thancreds BSB)
    Lightbringer (FF6 Celess BSB)
    Twin Lance(FF8 Squalls BSB)
    The Ogre(FF9 Zidanes BBS)
    Overture(FF13 Lightnings BBS)
    Wizer Rod(FF7 Aeriths BBS)
    Mistilteinn(FF13 Vanilles BSB)
    Seymours Rod(FF10 Seymours BBS)
    Hamelin(FF9 Eikos BSB)
    Shooting Star(FF8 Rinoas BSB)
    Ninurta(FF13 Hopes BSB)
    Magic Shuriken(FF7 Yuffies BSB)
    Glorious Armguard(FF10 Wakkas BSB)
    As for SSB and uniques please pm me to ask for specific ones(Platinum sword and Sentinel Grimoire are there, for example)
    a few notable ones:
    Vega(FF8 Lagunas imperil ice SSB)
    Wizard Rod(FF9 Garnets Divine Guardian SSB)
    Punisher(FF9 Kujas Darkflare Star SSB)
    Omnirod(FF14 Y´shtolas Aetherial Pulse SSB)
    and many more
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