Selling Selling [EU Fedimian] LVL 280 Max geared Fletcher-3 + Super bonuses

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jennahazee, 9/29/16.

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  1. Jennahazee

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    Introducing you a super archer account:
    Archer2-Quarrelshooter-Scout-Fletcher3 details:
    -LVL 280 Rank 7 best archer build for both PvP and PvE
    -Server EU Fedimian
    -760 TP
    -5 Premium Tokens
    -Lolopanther 3x pieces, Full Virtov set, +15 Weapon, Max Petamion, Glad bands, e.t.c.
    -Skill/Stats Reset Potions
    -A lot of EXP tomes, dungeon reset scrolls, megaphones and warp scrolls
    -Solid attributes levels
    -LVL 10 Ellaganos card x7
    -Additional bonus 279 lvl and 263 lvl characters.
    -Price is 399$ Paypal now.

    Click the button, select the product you want and purchase it.
    We will not receive your payment until you confirm full service delivery.

    can also contact us in skype if you prefer direct payment:

    Or add me manually: toobadapple
    Or send me a private message here info:
    -Fletcher3 is no doubt best boss-killer in-game. Very strong in Earth Tower.
    -QuarrelShooter and Scout for PvP. Invisibility, 5 seconds stun, quarrel shield passive attribute - all this is a beautiful addition to Fletcher3 damage.
    -Archer2 for additional critical rate attribute.
    -STR based build with some CON investment. High level green gems and lvl 10 monster DEX cards give a lot of additional crit-rating, so you still have these solid crits.
    -LvL 30 Team level and two lvl 270+ pets. Huge additional experience and leveling help for your twinkies. list:
    -Lolopanther Leather Gloves (+1)
    -Lolopanther Leather Boots (+6)
    -Lolopanther Leather Pants (+1)
    -Virtov Leather Robe (+6)
    -Virtov Leather Boots (+5)
    -Virtov Leather Gloves (+4)
    -Virtov Leather Pants (+3)
    -Gladiator Bands x2 (they are much better than Sissel)
    -All leather armor supplied with lvl 50 leather attribute.
    -M# Petamion (+7)
    -Isbality +15 with 3x Green level 6 Gems. Awakened with crit rate.
    -Mamamana with level 7 Green Gem.
    -Sage Wall (+6) and Windrunners for PvP characters:

    LVL 279 True tank/support build Swordsman-Peltasta3-Squire-Fencer2.
    Both good in any parties or AFK-moneymaking via repair shop.

    LVL 263 PvP-oriented Swordsman2-Barbarian2-Corsair2-Shinobi.
    Nothing special, just in case you want to do some battle league with swordie, than it is good.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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