Sold Selling Biggest Void Elsword Service(+10/Accounts/IB/CoC/NoH)

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by voidelsservice, 3/8/17.

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  1. voidelsservice

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    Getting tired of selling $100 EC Code for just 4.2b? Why don't you consider us then? We are a team providing Void Elsword Service with huge stock and great reputation. The service includes:

    1. ED (current stock:16b)
    2. Ice burner sets(LoW/NBS/AA etc.)
    3. +10 Amulets
    4. Limited packages to greatly enhance your Character (Including +10 Amulets/S+ stones/6B ED/CoC Titles)
    5. Accounts with +10 Legendary weapons.

    Our ED rates:
    $100=6.2Billion(1$=62m) V.S Official rate: $100=4.2Billion

    Our Official Website:

    Sold:38.2B Overall

    Skype:Void Els Service
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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