Selling Selling Austere Katana & Rod + 12 75/75 Chars + 300m+ In tickets + Lots of rares...

Discussion in 'Phantasy Star Online 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BraveBalboa, 11/7/16.

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  1. BraveBalboa

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    Stacked PSO2 Account ...

    - 12 Capped characters 75/75 (KLOTHO READY 21M A WEEK MINIMUM)
    - Lots of rare lobby actions
    - 300m+ in AC Tickets
    - Austere Rod, Austere Katana
    - 50-100 13* !!!
    - 400 Calis (can make any austere of choice)
    - 120/14 Auster Units T-ATK (Orbit Leg)
    - 150/6 Saiki S-ATK units
    - Double Cannon 13* 60 Element

    And many more features... if interested please email [email protected]. Would prefer to do paypal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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