Sold Selling ACC Draconid lv 90 5 piece of gracia + 1 epic +12 + 1 unique +12 + ava

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Max3002, 3/24/17.

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  1. Max3002

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    First char:
    Lv 90 Draconid
    +12 Red bladed brakium with +12 boost dimensional str
    +12 light sacred rosary epic
    5 piece of gracia
    Petit draconid
    Ascending fire aura
    5 piece of clone
    6 piece of migthy impact
    6 piece of cataclysmic
    500 DI
    Second Char
    Lv 87 Eternal:
    Air rod +10
    9 piece of ice arrow shot
    Avatar set of Cera shop with white skin.
    Other chars:
    Bloodevil lv 78
    Desperado lv 68
    Dragon fist lv 56

    Price for the acc : 110$
    My skype maximo3002
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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