Selling Selling 92 LVL Account with Malachi unlocked - Cheap Price (Trough Middleman)

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Manda, 2/13/17.

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  1. Manda

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    Orange +4: Mira, Jacob, Ruby, Gridlock, Murphy, Gerber, Sebastian, Malachi
    Orange +3: Blaine, Pulan, Spar
    Orange +2: Diaochan, Aurai, York
    Orange +1: Pandarus, Medea, Zoe, Russel
    Orange: Gearz, Jolie, Grunk, Karna, Crabbie, Lufia, Alma, Pearl

    Gold star: Mira, Jacob, Ruby, Pandarus
    Silver star: Gridlock, Gerber, Blaine, Aurai, Medea, Jolie, Lufia, Merlyn, Bedivere, Uther, Seeley, Salman
    5 star: Murphy, Sebastian, Diaochan, York, Grunk, Muse, Spar, Russel, Little Red, Watson

    Awakened: Jacob, Murphy, Pandarus, Aurai, York, Crabbie and Pulan is in progress of awakening

    Level 92,5
    Kingdom level 86, altars on 80
    Crystal dungeon level 131
    Dragon prayer: Priest lvl 14
    14 heroes with 2 dots, and Jacob with 3
    Beast soul: Jacob (Giant Behemoth-all components +20)
    Gerber (Giant Behemoth-all components +20)
    Mira (Underworld Hydra-all components +20)
    Ruby (Fierce Gryphon-all components +20)
    Sebastian (Immortal Phoenix-all components +20)
    Gridlock needs 1 component for full Underworld Hydra
    Rune Cores: Mira-all 5 on blue
    Gridlock-4 on yellow
    Jacob-4 on red
    Malachi-4 on red
    Talents: Mira lvl 6 Retribution totem
    Murphy lvl 4 Team shield
    Pandarus lvl 5 Venom aura
    Ruby lvl 1 Retribution totem
    Jacob, Mira, Ruby, Pandarus and Zoe have talent combo for Crit strike level

    Equipment: Most of the equipment on lvl +7 or higher

    7 precise relocation cards, 9 Mega mine relocation cards, 23 building cards, 85 tech speed up clocks, bunch of equipment and runes

    E-mail: [email protected]
    Or PM me here on playerup.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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